Wyoming... the Place to Be
National Parks, Wide Open Country and Home to the Bucking Horse Logo... Wyoming has many attractions that bring people in from all over the World. This August, Wyoming has again claimed its stake in being the "place to be" as parts of the state will be in the direct path of the 2017 Solar Eclipse!

Growing up a Wyoming Native, it is my honor to share information about this upcoming event. Here are a few pieces that I found very informative and helped me to choose my perfect viewing location.
*Great Website for Wyoming Solar Eclipse: https://www.travelwyoming.com/eclipse
I'd love to hear about where you'll be for the 2017 Solar Eclipse... Hopefully you choose Wyoming and if so, will it be Jackson? WindRiver Canyon? Casper? And as a fun side note, what's the most expensive Lodging you heard about? Ours will be Wind River Canyon Area (hopefully in the air!) and I've heard some places in Jackson are getting $18,000 for a 5 night stay during this event!!! Happy Viewing and tell us about your chosen location in the comments below.